Getting Started With ViaCAD--Training Videos

Getting Started With ViaCAD--Training Videos

One of the best ways to get up to speed with ViaCAD is to check out the training videos that are included with the product.  For example, ViaCAD includes over 90 minutes of video training free with the product!  In this blog entry, we provide a bit of a guide into the videos that are provided.

These are excellent videos and well worth the time to review.  Check out the example below describing the text and dimension tools available in ViaCAD.

To access the videos, click on the Help menu and access the tutorial pull out. The tutorials consist of a video, step-by-step pdf, and example file to be used along with the step-by-step.

The ViaCAD User Interface

Presents the key elements of the  user interface including prompts, tool palettes, and menus.  Additionally shows how the user interface is quickly changed between 2D and 3d.

Navigating the Drawing

Demonstrates how to navigate your drawing using the pan, zoom, and rotate tools.

Understanding the Drawing Scale

Objects are drawn at full scale but prints at different scales. This tutorial shows you how the Page Layout tool sets your drawing scale.

Setting up the Drawing Space

This tutorial demonstrates how to customize your drawing space including text and dimension size, grid size, and units.

Snaps and Logicursor

Intelligent snapping provided by LogiCursor provides a means to quickly reference existing drawing points to create and modify objects.  This demonstration shows the various snap options available with ViaCAD.

Drawing 2D Shapes

Demonstrates how to create  lines, circles, polygons, and splines.

Drawing in 3D

This tutorial reviews viewing 3D data, the work plane, and creating some simple 3D shapes.

Basic Editing

The Basic Editing tutorial reviews the trim tool and how it can be used to modify objects by extending and deleting portions of interest.

Transforms: Move, Copy, and Rotate

This tutorial demonstrates tools used to transform objects using the move, copy, and rotate tools.

Text, Dimensions, and Measuring

Annotating your drawing is accomplished by adding detail using the text and dimension tools.  This tutorial goes over these tools including  how to create vertical, horizontal, ordinate, angular, and callout dimensions.

Pen Colors and Fills

This tutorial shows you how to change the pen and fill attributes for objects.  Pen attributes include color, weight, and pattern.  Fill attributes include hatch patterns with parameters for spacing and angle.

Modifying 3D Solids

Demonstrates a variety of tools that modify 3D parts that include blending, chamfering, bosses, bending, and splitting.

Rendering the Drawing

Objects can be viewed using several different options.  This tutorial shows you how to display geometry in wireframe, phong, or hidden line modes.

Architectural Tools

Demonstrates how to create walls with ViaCAD.  Also shows how to insert doors and windows into your walls.