Helpful Hints and Tips To scale, large format PDFs

Helpful Hints and Tips To scale, large format PDFs

ViaCAD and SharkCAD are very powerful design tools and its pretty easy to print your designs to your printer on an 8x11 page.

But what if you want to print out your designs on a large page size that your printer can not handle and you want that design to be at a specific scale?

In today's video blog I will walk you through the steps to setting up the desired paper size, selecting a proper scale for that paper size, then saving a PDF that would be perfect to send out to a company for printing. The best part about these steps is the company you send it to will simply have to open the PDF and print, not manipulation on their end.

As the steps are slightly different on the Windows version and the Mac version, please make sure you are viewing the correct platforms video below.